“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Goals and dreams are two words that are often used interchangeably. While they can be used to complement one another, they mean different things. I often say that a goal is a dream with a plan- goals are clearly defined objectives with action steps and timeframes.
An achiever is a person of drive and action, and no matter where they are in their journey- the quest to become a stronger leader, a more empathetic healthcare professional, a more successful businessperson- these 3 actions are important building blocks to achievement.
Be a Better Communicator
No matter what your goals are, being a great communicator is foundational in setting you up for success.
Being an effective communicator can increase your worth in any field because communication is what enables and empowers others to understand information more accurately and quickly. As a leader, poor communication skills can lead to misunderstanding, frustration, and often wasted time and money as your followers misinterpret or are unclear on what you’re communicating. On the other hand, it’s not just about issuing clear instructions; great communication flows two ways and can help you read between the lines to understand what a poor communicator may be trying to express. Part of being a leader and communicator is the ability to empathize, understand, and not invalidate concerns expressions by your team.
Model Your Leadership After the Greatest
Much of what you become is dependent on whose actions and philosophies you emulate.
Just like how every great athlete has a coach, and every famous musician a teacher, successful and efficient leaders have a mentor. Contrary to the beliefs of many ineffective leaders, whose egos stand in the way of the success of themselves and their team, leadership isn’t always innate, and the skills required are ever-evolving. The best leaders remain students, always learning and bettering themselves.
Interested in learning about executive leadership coaching? Click here!
Don’t Procrastinate
Have you ever “sat” on a decision too long when you should have acted? While procrastination is not synonymous with indecision, the two often go hand in hand.
Stalling and avoiding doing something commonly stem from not having all the information, being unsure how to proceed, or even fear of failure. Achievers don’t procrastinate; if there’s a roadblock standing in their way or clarification is needed for a daunting task, they make an action plan to get the information, eliminate the roadblock, or even ask for help!
About Dr. Wilkerson, PD, MBA, PCC.
Do you want to increase your impact? Do you want to increase profits under your leadership? Do you want to develop and use your abilities to the fullest to better connect with and lead others? Executive Leadership Coaching covers these bases. Dr. Jerrund Wilkerson, PD, MBA, PCC, has more than 30 years of successful executive leadership coaching in the United States and internationally.
As a licensed pharmacist, he is particularly passionate about helping develop effective leaders in the healthcare community. Dr. Wilkerson has coached and trained thousands of managers and leaders. He is a certified coach and member of the John Maxwell Leadership Team.
CLICK HERE to learn more.